Soho Theatre Run Announcement!

Hello December!

It’s that time of year again. I spent most of the weekend resisting Black Friday sales and looking for the plug to our Christmas tree lights. It appears to have been lost in the move but is most likely floating around the house waiting to reveal itself at the bottom of a junk drawer around Easter.

That said, I have exciting news! My show Spring Day: Exvangelical will be doing a Soho Theatre run 6-8 January and I can’t wait for you to see the show. I am very proud of it and if you’re curious as to why middle America is the way it is right now, it’s a good place to start.

Come watch this foolhardy ex-evangelical Christian realise how wrong she was about this world and the next. You’ll feel better.

I bought more Christmas lights but have not thrown away the old. I have faith the plug for them once lost will one day be found!

Cluck here to buy Soho Theatre tickets